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Saturday, March 2, 2013

I hate religious nuts

Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) tweeted at 9:30 AM on Sat, Mar 02, 2013: Hollywood power couple wants Bible taught in public schools ( Get the official Twitter app at

So sick of our education system and the crap people are trying to pull.  As it is the southern states are ridiculous with their bible hugging.  The freakin bible has no place in education, its a fucking fairy tale and if you believe otherwise then you are a moron. Keep humpty dumpty and his friends out of public schools.  We need more science, not fairy tales.

These religious nuts have no problem with science when it gives them tv, radio, cell phones, cars, (everything we use every day) yet they still believe that the earth is only 6,000 years old and somehow humans and dinosaurs were around at the same time.  Religious people are stupid.  Science is king, not your religion.

Deaths Caused by Christians alone:

1562-1598 – French Wars of Religion – France – 4 million
1095-1291 – Crusades to the Holy Land – Middle East, Spain, Africa – 1.5 million (This does include all sides of the conflict)
1184-c. 1860 – Various Christian Inquisitions – Europe – 17,500